Sunday, March 28, 2010

Min Xuan's 1st Birthday

Ha! I always thought that it's such a cliche when parents say that their kids grow so fast and that in the blink of an eye, they are either in college or getting married. The truth be told... i've no choice but to use the very cliche term too. Coz MX really did turn a year old in the blink of an eye!

Thus far, MX has been a fab baby. She doesn't fuss much and sleeps quite a fair bit. She's always smiley and is rarely in a foul mood.

Here's how she looked a year ago... a helpless little baby in her helpless mother's arms. Helpless i'd say, coz without all the help from my parents, i wouldn't have known how to handle a baby. I took a very long time to recover from the pains and mental trauma from delivering MX. It was a smooth pregnancy and an easy birth i would say, but i was afraid of everything, you see & when it comes to pain, my threshold is probably a big fat ZERO! Boy am i glad that those days are far behind and that both MX and i are healthy and happy now (",)

We didn't have a big bash for MX's birthday. Just a nice lunch at the top of Pan Pacific with both sides of the family. MX got her own cake which she only had a nibble of.

Here's MX with her usual notti notti look.

Here's to a smooth first year with my little kiddo and you've been such a darling, little one!
Maybe you will be able to pick out your own birthday cake next year and have a huge slice of it too!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

MX & her quirkiness

"errp... Little Miss... you gotta learn the meaning of personal space...!"

"Mmmm... Hmmm.. Burberry's eh? Not too shabby."

Friday, March 12, 2010

Seat upgrade

MX trying to wriggle her way out of her new carseat.

Hmmm.... she really doesn't seem too pleased.

Domo to the rescue!!

Daddy kept saying, "MX you're no longer considered a baby! In a few weeks time, you're a toddler."
We were checking out MX's carseat when he kept lamenting that our baby's no longer a baby coz MX outgrew her infant carseat. She's sat in it for almost a year... hmmm...

Saturday, March 6, 2010

favourite seats in the house


for Kim, the best seat in the house is on the recliner...


Min Xuan has her own recliner too!



height and angle adjustable to her liking!
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