Monday, May 28, 2012

Snickledoodles - holiday activity 2

On to the next holiday activity with MX (",)
This cookie is actually a simple butter cookie coated with sugar and cinnamon. It makes the whole house smell heavenly during the whole baking process.

MX's vocabulary really grew as she picked up words like cream of tartar, spatula, parchment paper etc. from the baking videos that she watches. 

This time, I decided to let her have a go at most of the baking process.  She had to mix in the dry ingredients and spoon out the baking powder and cream of tartar.

She insisted on breaking the eggs, which I allowed her to try.  She said "Oops!" when she cracked an egg so hard that the entire contents fell into the bowl.

Yup, she even had a go at the handheld mixer.

MX waited for what seemed like forever for her cookies to be ready.  We ended up with overly sweet cookies which MX loved... urgh!  For the rest of the batter, I coated the dough with only cinnamon powder and left out the sugar.

Skinny pizza - holiday activity 1

MX claims that she loves to cook.  Well, kids always tell the truth right?  So I guess she must love cooking (",) 

This is the first activity that I am trying out with her during the June holiday. 

MX had to lay the burrito warp out on the wired rack and spread pasta sauce on it. 
Next, she 'sprinkled' (in her own words) mozzarella and cheddar cheese onto the wrap.

She snacked a little on the cucumber slices that was supposed to go on top of the cheese. 
Into the oven the skinny pizza went ... for about 5-7mins and MX's little lunch treat was ready (",)

Cucumber and cheese skinny pizza (",)

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